Tuesday, 16 March 2021

Text around an image

I makes your text wrap around the outside of your mountain, creating an outline of your subject and uniformly shapes the text. Resize the image you want to bend, if needed, by selecting Transform from the Edit menu and selecting Scale. Drag any corner while holding down the Shift key, then press Enter. Select Transform from the Edit menu once again. This time, select Warp. then I Selected  the Type tool (Horizontal or Vertical) and create your text. Right-click on Type Layer and choose Blending Options from the menu. Or go to Layer > Layer Style > Stroke. In the Layer Style dialog box, opt for Stroke under the list of styles on the left.

1 comment:

  1. You have some of the best PS work in the class, but you have no annotation - you need to go back and say what you did , what was difficult , what new skills you learned, how you would improve and what do you like in the work -DG


Unit 3

P1   Proposal  James Morecroft Name of event:   W est Derby Sport and Culture Awards 2024              information to contact : W estderbyaw...